miércoles, 20 de julio de 2011


Es el gatito mas famoso en el mundo de amigurumi....
yo tambien lo hice y resulto bien facil y rapido de hacer,

Patron del gatito (Amineko)

Preparation : Make a loop from the yarn.
  1. [ sc ] × 6 , and tighten the loop.
  2. [ 2-sc inc ] × 6
  3. [ sc × 1, 2-sc inc ] × 6
  4. [ sc × 2, 2-sc inc ] × 6
  5. [ sc × 3, 2-sc inc ] × 6
  6. [ sc × 4, 2-sc inc ] × 6
  7. [ sc × 5, 2-sc inc ] × 6
  8. [ sc × 6, 2-sc inc ] × 6
  9. sc repeat
  10. sc repeat
  11. sc repeat
  12. sc repeat
  13. sc repeat
  14. sc repeat
  15. sc repeat
  16. [ sc × 6, 2-sc dec ] × 6
  17. [ sc × 5, 2-sc dec ] × 6
  18. [ sc × 4, 2-sc dec ] × 6
  19. [ sc × 3, 2-sc dec ] × 6
  20. [ sc × 2, 2-sc dec ] × 6
Finally, cut the yarn. Make sure you leave enough yarn to sew the head onto the torso.

Preparation : Make a loop from the yarn.
  1. [ sc ] × 6 , and tighten the loop.
  2. [ 2-sc inc ] × 6
  3. [ sc × 1, 2-sc inc ] × 6
  4. [ sc × 2, 2-sc inc ] × 6
  5. [ sc × 3, 2-sc inc ] × 6
  6. [ sc × 4, 2-sc inc ] × 6
  7. sc repeat
  8. sc repeat
  9. sc repeat
  10. sc repeat
  11. sc repeat
  12. sc repeat
  13. sc repeat
  14. sc repeat
  15. sc repeat
  16. sc repeat
  17. sc repeat
  18. sc repeat
  19. sc repeat
  20. sc repeat
  21. sc repeat
  22. sc repeat
  23. sc repeat
  24. [ sc × 4, 2-sc dec ] × 6
  25. sc repeat
  26. sc repeat
  27. [ sc × 3, 2-sc dec ] × 6
  28. sc repeat
  29. sc repeat
  30. [ sc × 2, 2-sc dec ] × 6
  31. sc repeat
  32. sc repeat

Hand × 2
Preparation : Make a loop from the yarn.
  1. [ sc ] × 6 , and tighten the loop.
  2. [ 2-sc inc ] × 6
  3. sc repeat
  4. sc repeat
  5. sc repeat
  6. sc repeat
  7. [ sc × 1, 2-sc dec ] × 4
  8. sc repeat
  9. sc repeat
  10. sc repeat
  11. sc repeat
  12. sc repeat
  13. sc repeat
  14. sc repeat
  15. sc repeat
  16. sc repeat
  17. sc repeat
  18. sc repeat
  19. sc repeat
  20. sc repeat
  21. sc repeat
  22. sc repeat
  23. sc repeat
  24. sc repeat
  25. sc repeat
  26. sc repeat
  27. sc repeat
  28. sc repeat
Finally, cut the yarn. Make sure you leave enough yarn to sew the hand onto the torso.

Foot × 2
Preparation : Make a loop from the yarn.
  1. [ sc ] × 6 , and tighten the loop.
  2. [ 2-sc inc ] × 6
  3. [ sc × 3, 2-sc inc ] × 3
  4. sc repeat
  5. sc repeat
  6. sc repeat
  7. sc repeat
  8. [ sc × 1, 2-sc dec ] × 5
  9. sc repeat
  10. sc repeat
  11. sc repeat
  12. sc repeat
  13. sc repeat
  14. sc repeat
  15. sc repeat
  16. sc repeat
  17. sc repeat
  18. sc repeat
  19. sc repeat
  20. sc repeat
  21. sc repeat
  22. sc repeat
  23. sc repeat
  24. sc repeat
Finally, cut the yarn. Make sure you leave enough yarn to sew the foot onto the torso.

Preparation : Make a loop from the yarn.
  1. [ sc ] × 6 , and tighten the loop.
  2. [ sc × 2, 2-sc inc ] × 2
  3. sc repeat
  4. sc repeat
  5. sc repeat
  6. sc repeat
  7. sc repeat
  8. sc repeat
  9. sc repeat
  10. sc repeat
  11. sc repeat
  12. sc repeat
  13. sc repeat
  14. sc repeat
  15. sc repeat
  16. sc repeat
  17. sc repeat
  18. sc repeat
  19. sc repeat
  20. sc repeat
  21. sc repeat
  22. sc repeat
Finally, cut the yarn. Make sure you leave enough yarn to sew the tail onto the torso.

Ear × 2
Preparation : Make a loop from the yarn.
  1. [ sc ] × 4 , and tighten the loop.
  2. [ 2-sc inc ] × 4
  3. [ sc × 3, 2-sc inc ] × 2
  4. [ sc × 4, 2-sc inc ] × 2
  5. [ sc × 5, 2-sc inc ] × 2
Finally, cut the yarn. Make sure you leave enough yarn to sew the ear onto the head.

Preparation : Make a loop from the yarn.
  1. [ sc ] × 7 , and tighten the loop.
  2. [ 2-sc inc ] × 7
  3. sc repeat
  4. sc repeat
  5. sc repeat
  6. sc repeat
  7. sc repeat
  8. sc repeat
  9. sc repeat
  10. sc repeat, and stuffing.
  11. [ 3-sc dec, 4-sc dec, 4-sc dec, 3-sc dec ]
Finally, cut the yarn. Make sure you leave enough yarn to sew the mouth onto the head.


A unos pocos gránulos de plástico en las manos y los pies. Pellets de plástico y algodón en el torso. De algodón en la cabeza. Un poco de algodón en la boca.

Montaje o Armado
Coser las orejas y la parte de la boca en la cabeza.
Puntadas en la nariz, la boca y los ojos. Consideró que podían ser utilizados para la nariz si lo desea. A continuación, poner los últimos toques en el rostro por la costura de las cejas. Diseño de la cara como le gusta.
Coser la cabeza sobre el torso. Coser las manos, los pies y la cola en el torso.
No te olvides de el nombre del gato! ¡Hecho!

les pegue las instrucciones, paras las que no ´puedan abrir la pagina, pero igual publique el link de donde lo saque, ahora mi amineko personal...

parte 1

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